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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Indian Life Insurance Industry- Challenges and Opportunities

The Strategic Information
The strategic future of life insurance will be guided by demographic transition and next practice technology.The demographic transition has economic significance. For example after the birth rate drops and before the elderly population rises significantly, there is a time when the working-age share of the population peaks. People of working age have fewer children to support but do nor yet have many elderly. At this peak, the population reaches its maximum of productivity.
Other Technology functions can be harnessed for modeling, data collection, data analysis and specialized insurance applications. A country’s age structure affects its economy. Increasing integration of the global economy makes it possible for one region’s age structure affect economic activity in other region’s age atructure to affect economic activity in other regions. As with all surveys, the estimates may differ from the actual values because of sampling variation or other factors but the direction is known with reasonable certainty and the magnitude is indicated through a graphic smoothing. Although the future is unknownable, demographic projections have a degree of validity that many other types of forecasts lack. The present situation supplies useful information about the future. It is certain that everyone who is now alive will age and eventually die. The distribution of the current population by age offers useful information about the age structure of the future population. Historical changes in the fertility rates of the developed world have had considerable predictive value regarding the fertility rates in the developing world.

Demographic Dynamics
The world’s population will grow to about 9.1 billion in 2050. It will raise to 6.8 billion in 2010 and 7.8 billion in 2025. The overall rate of population growth is slowing. The vast majority of the growth is likely to occur in developing countries, which has four times the population of developed countries with one-fourth gross domestic product. The population of developing countries will increase 61% by 2050 as their birth rate is twice as much as developed countries at almost 24 births per thousand population. China and India together have only half of the total population of the developing world. People aged 15-64 are considered of working age . This working age population of developing countries will become seven times the working population of developed countries. This multiplier is the greatest future strength of developing countries. Another adversity waiting for developed country is elderly population,who are above 65 years age. The elderly will increase from 6.9% to 16.3% of the world’s total population. Almost four out of five (78.6%) of the world’s elderly in 2050 will live in developing countries.
The number of children (Ages0-14) in the world will rise only 2.2%. The 4.4% increase for developing countries will be counteracted by a 12% decline in developed countries. A dependency ratio is the ratio between workers and non workers. In developed countries, increase in elderly dependences will exceed increase in elderly ones.
China will reach peak working-age population- share in 2010. compared to Brazil, Indonesia, India, Mexico and a host of other developing countries will have younger work forces on average than china and much younger work forces than current developed countries will have the opportunity to play this role in the period leading up to 2025 when their younger population may give them labor cost advantages compared to China and much better advantage compared to current developed countries. An increasing share of the world’s health will move to economically successful developing countries and be controlled by them. Skilled developing countries will use their production advantage to build wealth. There will be more ads proclaiming “let us plan to be wealthy”.
Effects on The demographic Transition
Wise insurers of developed countries have already spotted this signal and they are consciously shifting their focus to china and India as also other developing countries. Instead of fighting the market share war, they are quietly winning the battles of regulatory buy-ins for a strategic assertion of their presence. Their conscious and implosive expansion is dedicated by the possibilities of assests bubbles in such countries surfacing intermittently. During growth phase all bubbles lay hid below the expanding membrance of growth. But a phase of growth is always accomplished by technical correction, which economists call consolidation . The bubbles surface, if the growth membrance was allowed to inflate in harmony with local companies. Usually strategic foreign insurers run for a sprint after weathering two three bursting of market bubbles.
The developed world is tending towards older and assest-rich households. They look for high returns and put their money at places to get high returns. Indirectly, They have helped fund growth in developing countries on this account. The developing world on the other hand start with low-wage, young-adult work forces migrate themselves or their output and become target for outsourcing services. The asian tigers for outsourcing Services. The asian tigers started but couldnot sustainably manage this phenomenon. Though South East Asian crisis halted their march, the residue stamped permanence in their standard of living. The experience silently entered into erstwhile population behemoths but here crisis may not be as threatening due to large domestic consumer market hedging any international adverse developments. Insurance paradise is in the making in such regions of the world.

POST by Bijay Thapa.

Conversation: about India LIC's Health Protection Plus

LIC’s Health Protection Plus: Conversation Between Advisor & Customer

Advisor : Good moning sir. I thank you for giving me this appointment and the
opportunity to talk about our new product- LIC’s Health Protection Plus
Customer: Tell me more about the plan
Advisor : This is a long term Unit linked Health Insurance Plan. All the
Members of Your family can be covered under one single policy. The person
taking the policy is called the Principal \Insured and the others are
the insured members.
Customer: Member of family means?
Advisor : Spouse and Children of the Principal Insured (PI). There is no limit
on the number of members that can be insured besides newly
eligible members can also be added when they become eligible for
the scheme.
Customer : You said this is a long term policy? How long is the cover available?
Advisor : This is a long term plan because the premiums can be paid upto 65
years of age and the benefits for you and your spouse are available
upto 75 years of age i.e. even after you stop paying the premiums
the risks are covered and the benefits are available.
Childrens from 3 Months to 17 years can be covered under the plan
and they are entitled to the benefits upto 25 Years of age.
Customer : What are the benefits Available under This plan?
Advisor :There are three types of Benfits Under this plan i.e.
· Hospital Cash Benefit
· Major Surgical Benefit
· Domiciliary Treatment Benefit
Customer : How can premiums be paid under this Policy?
Advisor : Premium can be paid Yearly, Half-Yearly Or through Monthly-ECS.
Minimum premium payable is Rs 5000/- and thereafter there is
increase as per number of persons covered and insurability of life.
Customer : What if I am not able to pay the premium?
Advisor : The charges for daily Hospital cash Benefit and Major Surgical
Benefit will be deducted till the policy fund has sufficient balance
to recover the charges. As for revival the policy can be revived by
payment at any time between the ‘Revival period’ which is two
years from the date of First Unpaid Premium. The policy can be
revived by payment of arrears without Interest and without
requirement of DGH or Medical provided fund is sufficient.
Customer : What if I cannot pay all the arrears of premiums but only one
Advisor : It is advisable to pay premiums regularly to prevent compulsory
termination of the policy. However if you are not able to pay
arrears of premium, we have provision of a premium Holiday. The
facility of premium Holiday can be availed only if premiums are
paid of 3 years and your fund has balance of atleast one
annualized premium, you can pay the least instalment without
interest.The policy continues as long as the fund is sufficient to
deduct health risk charge under the policy and the policy can be
kept in force only by
the Principal Insured. If funds are not sufficient the policy
Customer: Will my premium increase with age?
Advisor : No, Whatever premium is fixed at the outset will remain the
same. However charges will increase according to age and not according
to the benefit. The same rate per benefit will be applicable.
Customer: You said charges will be deducted from my premium. What are
these charges?
Advisor : Sir this is a unit linked policy. The charges are simply the portion
of the premiums utilized to provide Risk cover for yourself and
your family members, other charges are for Allocation, Policy
Administration, Service Tax and for management of funds. The
balance that remains after deduction of all these charges is used to
purchase units from the Health Plus Fund. This amount is invested
in Government Guaranteed Securities. Money Market Instruments
and to small extent in Equity Shares. The no. of units allocated will
depend on the NAV of the fund on the date of purchase. The
amount is invested prudently to maximize returns.
Customer: If any member is excluded, what will happen?
Advisor : The health charges recovery will stop automatically.
Customer: What about Income Tax Benefit?
Advisor : Your premium under this plan is eligible for IT rebate under section
Customer: What is the risk cover and amount of benefit?
Advisor : We provide risk cover against two events : Hospitalization and
major Surgeries. The charges for these covers are deducted every
month from the premium you pay.
Customer: When is hospital benefit paid?
Advisor : Hospital benefit is paid when a person is hospitalized on account of
sickness or accident for a period of more than 48 Hours i.e. 2 days.
The benefit is paid for the period of admission that exceeds 48
hours. The amount will be daily Hospital Cash benefit for ICU. For
the purpose of claim a continues perid of 24 hours is treated as 1
day. If the insured continues in hospital for only a part of the day
and then period more than 4 Hours over completed no. of day is
treated as 1 day for the purpose of payment.The minimum amount
of initial Daily benefit for Principal insured is in the range of Rs.
250 to 2500/- and for others IDB is Rs 250 to 1500.
Customer : Well, you say the product is a long term one.But Medical costs will
increase with inflation how does your product take care of that?
Advisor: Yes, The initial Daily Benefit increases @5% subject to maximum of
1.5 times Initial Daily Benefit.
Customer: How many times can I avail Hospital Cash Benefit?
Advisor : The hospital cash benefit can be availed fot 18 days in the first
Year which includes a stay of maximum 9 days in ICU. From the
second year onwards the HCB can be availed for 60 days
thereafter inclusive of 30 days in ICU. The maximum no. of days
for which HCB can be availed during the policy period is 365 days
in case of PI and Spouse whereas for child below 5 it is 90 days.
Customer: Tell me more about Major Surgical Benefits.
Advisor : Major Surgical Benefits payable fot 49 specified surgical
MSB Sum assured is 200 times the initial Daily Benefit payable for
the respective Insured.The maximum benefit that can be availed
during 1 year is equal to 100% of the Sum Assured and the
maximum benefit available during the lifetime is 3 times the Sum
Customer: Do I get the benefits immediately on takin the policy.
Advisor : No, there is a wait period of 180 days after commencement of the
policy and 90 days from revival. There is however no wait period
for MSB and HCB in case of Accidents.
Customer: You are talking about only two benefits Hospital Cash Benefit and
Major Surgical benefit but you mentioned one more benefit at the
beginning of the talk what is this accident. Are you deducting
charges fot this benefit?
Advisor : The third benefit is Domiciliary Treatment Benefit. No Charges are
deducted for this benefit. It is purely Utilised from the fund that is
accrued to your credit. It can be used to pay your OPD bills. If
atleast three years premiums have been paid then you can avail
Domiciliary Treatment Benefit forwhenever amount spent is Rs.
2500 of more, subject to satisfaction of other eligibility conditions
fot the payment.
Customer: But what will be the fate of the policy. If any thing happens to me
during the term of the policy, since the policy is such long term…….
Advisor : The premiums will cease and the policy will continue on the life of
T he other insureds till the time the fund is sufficient to recover the
charges. If the policy is on a single life or if there is no other
surviving insured then the fund value is paid to the nominee or legal
Customer: But I am sufficiently covered through my Employers scheme….
Advisor : Sir, Through your employees Scheme you will be getting your
expenditure reimbursed. Through LIC’s policy you will get our fixed
Benefit that you are entitled to over and above the benefit you
receive from any other scheme. Aren’s these features
complementary to the scheme? Beside Health Protection plan HCB is
paid irrespective of the reason fot the hospitalization and we are
also offering benefits for Domiciliary Treatment Twice a year.
Customer: That’s OK.. You are covering my risk upto 75 Years of age so my
policy ends there for all of my family members.
Advisor: The policy doesnot come to an end on your attaining 75 years of age.
At 75 only your hospital Cash Benefit and major Surgical Benefit
ceases. But if you have Fund value in your policy you can utilize the
same even after 75 fot the payment of Domiciliary treatment
benefit. The amount you have accumulated in your younger ages
when you are healthy will take care of your medical benefits in your
advance ages.
Customer: Can my wife take out a policy in her name?
Advisor :Yes, why not, as long as she is eligible to take out this policy she can
opt this policy and include you and your children as beneficiaries.
When she takes the policy she will be the principal Insured.
Customer: Why should I choose the policy when I do not need Health Insurance
right now?
Advisor : Sir at a younger age you are buying the same product at a cheaper
rate…. The health risk charges are less. So the balance of fund
accumulation will be more.
Customer: Fine, can you please give a quote for me and my family members.
My affordability for premium is Rs. 15000 as I would like to avail the
IT benefits in full through this \policy.
Advisor : Here is the proposal form and here is the quote.
Customer : OK and here is the Cheque.
Advisor : Thanks.

POST by Bijay Thapa.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Insurance Consideration: India Budget 2010

Life insurers to save, policyholders to benefit

The Finance Minister, Pranab Mukherjee's Budget may have rejected major demands of life insurers, but the proposal to treat life insurers at par with the mutual fund sector in respect of service tax is expected to add around Rs.300 crore to their kitty.
'Earlier life insurers were paying service tax on all the charges collected from the policyholders under their unit linked insurance policies (ULIP). From next fiscal onwards they will be paying 10 per cent service tax on the fund management charges alone akin to the mutual fund industry,' S.B. Mathur, Secretary General of Life Insurance Council of India, told IANS.
Budget News Budget gallery Special: Budget 2010 Budget Contest
According to him, the saving for the industry as whole will be around Rs 300 crore.
V. Srinivasan, Chief Financial Officer of Bharti Axa Life, said: 'The policyholders will be immensely benefited by this move. The internal rate of return (IRR) on ULIPs will be up by 40 basis points.'
Railway Budget 2010
The increase in the limit for tax deduction at source (TDS) from Rs.5,000 to Rs.20,000 saves lot of administrative work on the insurers who deduct the tax on the commission paid to the agents, he said.
Alternatively the insurance agents will see more money on their hands from next fiscal onwards.
A quick take on Budget 2010
'The change in the income tax slabs will result in more disposable income in the hands of people. As a result there will more sales of life insurance policies,' P. Nandagopal, managing director of IndiaFirst Life Insurance, told IANS.
'Indians do not blow up their surplus money. They have the tendency to save their surplus money. With the change in income tax classification people will be able to buy better life insurance policies.'
How the Budget 2010 benefits you
The new slabs has income up to Rs.1.6 lakh per year exempted from income tax; up to Rs.5 lakh to be taxed at 10 per cent; income of Rs.5-8 lakh to be taxed at 20 per cent and income above Rs.8 lakh at 30 per cent.
Mathur does not grudge the Finance Minister's announcement of the government contribution of Rs.1,000 to those pension accounts opened under the New Pension Scheme (NPS).
No need to continue with concessions on fuel: FM
'It will enable people in the unorganised sector to get some pension scheme,' he said.
However, the Finance Minister has not answered the two prayers of life insurers for extension of carry forward losses to 10 years from the current eight and separate limit for deduction under Sec 80C of the Income Tax Act for long term saving instruments like life insurance policies.

'Once the direct tax code becomes applicable the issue of carry forward of losses will not be there,' said Srinivasan.

POST by Bijay Thapa.

Exclusion of Prudential's Annual Report

You should read the following analysis of our consolidated financial condition and results of operations in conjunction with the Forward-Looking Statements included below the Table of Contents, "Risk Factors," "Selected Financial Data" and the Consolidated Financial Statements included in this Annual Report.
Prudential Financial has two classes of common stock outstanding. The Common Stock, which is publicly traded (NYSE:PRU), reflects the performance of the Financial Services Businesses, while the Class B Stock, which was issued through a private placement and does not trade on any exchange, reflects the performance of the Closed Block Business. The Financial Services Businesses and the Closed Block Business are discussed below.
Financial Services Businesses
Our Financial Services Businesses consist of three operating divisions, which together encompass seven segments, and our corporate and other operations. The U.S. Retirement Solutions and Investment Management division consists of our Individual Annuities, Retirement and Asset Management segments. The U.S. Individual Life and Group Insurance division consists of our Individual Life and Group Insurance segments. The International Insurance and Investments division consists of our International Insurance and International Investments segments. Our Corporate and Other operations include our real estate and relocation services business, as well as corporate items and initiatives that are not allocated to business segments. Corporate and Other operations also include businesses that have been or will be divested, including our investment in the Wachovia Securities joint venture which we sold on December 31, 2009, and businesses that we have placed in wind-down status.
We attribute financing costs to each segment based on the amount of financing used by each segment, excluding financing costs associated with corporate debt which are reflected in Corporate and Other operations. The net investment income of each segment includes earnings on the amount of capital that management believes is necessary to support the risks of that segment.
Table of Contents
We seek growth internally and through acquisitions, joint ventures or other forms of business combinations or investments. Our principal acquisition focus is in our current business lines, both domestic and international.

Closed Block Business
In connection with the demutualization, we ceased offering domestic participating products. The liabilities for our traditional domestic in force participating products were segregated, together with assets, in a regulatory mechanism referred to as the "Closed Block." The Closed Block is designed generally to provide for the reasonable expectations for future policy dividends after demutualization of holders of participating individual life insurance policies and annuities included in the Closed Block by allocating assets that will be used exclusively for payment of benefits, including policyholder dividends, expenses and taxes with respect to these products. See Note 12 to the Consolidated Financial Statements for more information on the Closed Block. At the time of demutualization, we determined the amount of Closed Block assets so that the Closed Block assets initially had a lower book value than the Closed Block liabilities. We expect that the Closed Block assets will generate sufficient cash flow, together with anticipated revenues from the Closed Block policies, over the life of the Closed Block to fund payments of all expenses, taxes, and policyholder benefits to be paid to, and the reasonable dividend expectations of, holders of the Closed Block policies. We also segregated for accounting purposes the assets that we need to hold outside the Closed Block to meet capital requirements related to the Closed Block policies. No policies sold after demutualization will be added to the Closed Block, and its in force business is expected to ultimately decline as we pay policyholder benefits in full. We also expect the proportion of our business represented by the Closed Block to decline as we grow

other businesses.
Concurrently with our demutualization, Prudential Holdings, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Prudential Financial that owns the capital stock of Prudential Insurance, issued $1.75 billion in senior secured notes, which we refer to as the IHC debt. The net proceeds from the issuances of the Class B Stock and IHC debt, except for $72 million used to purchase a guaranteed investment contract to fund a portion of the bond insurance cost associated with that debt, were allocated to the Financial Services Businesses. However, we expect that the IHC debt will be serviced by the net cash flows of the Closed Block Business over time, and we include interest expenses associated with the IHC debt when we report results of the Closed Block Business.
The Closed Block Business consists principally of the Closed Block, assets that we must hold outside the Closed Block to meet capital requirements related to the Closed Block policies, invested assets held outside the Closed Block that represent the difference between the Closed Block assets and Closed Block liabilities and the interest maintenance reserve, deferred policy acquisition costs related to Closed Block policies, the principal amount of the IHC debt and related hedging activities, and certain other related assets and liabilities.
The Closed Block Business is not a separate legal entity from the Financial Services Businesses; however, they are operated as separate entities and are separated for financial reporting purposes. The Financial Services Businesses are not obligated to pay dividends on Closed Block policies. Dividends on Closed Block policies reflect the experience of the Closed Block over time and are subject to adjustment by Prudential Insurance's Board of Directors. Further, our plan of demutualization provides that we are not required to pay dividends on policies within the Closed Block from assets that are not within the Closed Block and that the establishment of the Closed Block does not represent a guarantee that any certain level of dividends will be maintained.

Revenues and Expenses
We earn our revenues principally from insurance premiums; mortality, expense, and asset management and administrative fees from insurance and investment products; and investment of general account and other funds. We earn premiums primarily from the sale of individual life insurance and group life and disability insurance. We earn mortality, expense, and asset management fees from the sale and servicing of separate account products including variable life insurance and variable annuities. We also earn asset management and administrative fees from the distribution, servicing and management of mutual funds, retirement products and other asset management products and services. Our operating expenses principally consist of insurance benefits provided, general business expenses, dividends to policyholders, commissions and other costs of selling and servicing the various products we sell and interest credited on general account liabilities.

Table of Contents
Our profitability depends principally on our ability to price and manage risk on insurance products, our ability to attract and retain customer assets and our ability to manage expenses. Specific drivers of our profitability include:
? our ability to manufacture and distribute products and services and to introduce new products that gain market acceptance on a timely basis;
? our ability to price our insurance products at a level that enables us to earn a margin over the cost of providing benefits and the expense of acquiring customers and administering those products;
? our mortality and morbidity experience on individual and group life insurance, annuity and group disability insurance products, which can fluctuate significantly from period to period;
? our persistency experience, which affects our ability to recover the cost of acquiring new business over the lives of the contracts;
? our cost of administering insurance contracts and providing asset management products and services;
? our ability to manage and control our operating expenses, including overhead expenses;
? our returns on invested assets, including the impact of credit losses, net of the amounts we credit to policyholders' accounts;
? the amount of our assets under management and changes in their fair value, which affect the amount of asset management fees we receive;
? our ability to generate favorable investment results through asset/liability management and strategic and tactical asset allocation;
? our credit and financial strength ratings;
? our ability to effectively utilize our tax capacity;
? our returns on proprietary investments we make; and
? our ability to manage risk and exposures, including the degree to which, and the effectiveness of, hedging these risks and exposures.
In addition, factors such as credit and real estate market conditions, regulation, competition, interest rates, taxes, foreign exchange rates, market fluctuations and general economic, market and political conditions affect our profitability. In some of our product lines, particularly those in the Closed Block Business, we share experience on mortality, morbidity, persistency and investment results with our customers, which can offset the impact of these factors on our profitability from those products.
Historically, the participating products included in the Closed Block have yielded lower returns on capital invested than many of our other businesses. As we have ceased offering domestic participating products, we expect that the proportion of the traditional participating products in our in force business will gradually diminish as these older policies age, and we grow other businesses. However, the relatively lower returns to us on this existing block of business will continue to affect our consolidated results of operations for many years. Our Common Stock reflects the performance of our Financial Services Businesses, but there can be no assurance that the market value of the Common Stock will reflect solely the performance of these businesses.
See "Risk Factors" for a discussion of risks that have affected and may affect in the future our business, results of operations or financial condition, cause the trading price of our Common Stock to decline materially or cause our actual results to differ materially from those expected or those expressed in any forward looking statements made by or on behalf of the Company.
Executive Summary
Prudential Financial, a financial services leader with approximately $667 billion of assets under management as of December 31, 2009, has operations in the United States, Asia, Europe and Latin America.
Table of Contents
Through our subsidiaries and affiliates, we offer a wide array of financial products and services, including life insurance, annuities, retirement-related services, mutual funds, investment management, and real estate services. We offer these products and services to individual and institutional customers through one of the largest distribution networks in the financial services industry.
Current Developments
The global financial markets have shown marked improvement after experiencing extreme stress since the second half of 2007 through the early portion of 2009. During this period, volatility and disruption in the global financial markets reached unprecedented levels for the post World War II period and the availability and cost of credit was materially affected. These factors, combined with recent economic conditions, including depressed home and commercial real estate prices and increasing foreclosures, depressed equity market values, declining business and consumer confidence, and rising unemployment, resulted in a severe economic recession.
Certain markets have shown marked improvement since mid-2009. Equity markets have appreciated, with less volatility, and bond spreads have tightened significantly. We took advantage of the improving market conditions, and raised approximately $4.4 billion in the capital markets during 2009 through the following:
? Issued 36.9 million shares of Prudential Financial Common Stock in a public offering (at a price of $39.00 per share) for net proceeds of $1.391 billion.
? Issued $2.5 billion of Prudential Financial medium-term notes. In January 2010, we issued an additional $1.250 billion of Prudential Financial medium-term notes.
? Issued $500 million of Prudential Insurance surplus notes, exchangeable for Prudential Financial Common Stock.
On December 31, 2009, we received $4.5 billion of proceeds in cash from Wells Fargo upon the completion of the sale of our minority joint venture interest in Wachovia Securities. In addition, we received $418 million in payment of the principal of and accrued interest on the subordinated promissory note in the principal amount of $417 million that had been issued by Wachovia Securities in connection with the establishment of the joint venture.
As the dislocation in the markets continued, we took certain other actions during 2009 to strengthen our liquidity and capital position, including the following:
? Made capital contributions and capital loans to our international insurance operations in Japan totaling $366 million.
? Borrowed $1.5 billion in the form of collateralized funding agreements from the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York, or FHLBNY, which was subsequently used to replace inter-company funding agreements between Prudential Insurance and Prudential Financial, previously funded through proceeds from the sale of Prudential Financial's retail medium-term notes, making the corresponding proceeds available for general corporate purposes.
? Reduced exposure to short-term financing markets, primarily through reduction in commercial paper borrowings.
? Undertook sales of assets held by some of our affiliates to reduce their borrowing needs.
While the above actions have strengthened our liquidity and capital position, certain of them, as well as our decision to maintain higher levels of cash and short-term investments than in prior periods, have had a negative impact on current earnings. For additional information on our liquidity and capital resources, and the actions we undertook in 2009, see "-Liquidity and Capital Resources."
We continue to monitor the liquidity and capital needs of Prudential Financial and its subsidiaries. If the recent improvements in the capital markets prove temporary and earlier disruptions in the capital markets were to resume, we may take additional capital management actions to maintain capital consistent with our rating objectives, which may include additional internal actions or, if internal resources are insufficient or market conditions deteriorate, further access to external sources of capital, if available.
Table of Contents
During 2009, rating agencies downgraded certain ratings of Prudential Financial and its subsidiaries. Downgrades in our claims-paying or credit ratings could potentially, among other things, limit our ability to market products, reduce our competitiveness, increase the number or value of policy surrenders and withdrawals, increase our borrowing costs and potentially make it more difficult to borrow funds, adversely affect the availability of financial guarantees, such as letters of credit, cause additional collateral requirements or other required payments under certain agreements, allow counterparties to terminate derivative agreements and/or hurt our relationships with creditors, distributors, or trading counterparties thereby potentially negatively affecting our profitability, liquidity and/or capital. See "-Ratings" for more information.
Our financial condition and results of operations for the year ended December 31, 2009 reflect the following:
? Net income of our Financial Services Businesses attributable to Prudential Financial, Inc. for the year ended December 31, 2009 was $3.411 billion, reflecting a $1.457 billion after tax gain from the sale of our minority joint venture interest in Wachovia Securities, as well as the positive impact of improved financial market conditions beginning in late second quarter of 2009.
? Pre-tax net realized investment losses and related adjustments of the Financial Services Businesses in 2009 were $1.651 billion, primarily reflecting other-than-temporary impairments of fixed maturity and equity securities of $1.563 billion.
? Net unrealized gains on general account fixed maturity investments of the Financial Services Businesses amounted to $998 million as of December 31, 2009, compared to net unrealized losses of $6.567 billion as of December 31, 2008. Gross unrealized gains increased from $4.684 billion as of December 31, 2008 to $5.387 billion as of December 31, 2009 and gross unrealized losses decreased from $11.251 billion to $4.389 billion for the same periods as credit spreads tightened across most asset classes, partially offset by an increase in risk-free rates. Net unrealized gains on general account fixed maturity investments of the Closed Block Business amounted to $7 million as of December 31, 2009, compared to net unrealized losses of $4.035 billion as of December 31, 2008.
? Individual Annuity gross sales in 2009 reached a record high of $16.3 billion, an increase from $10.3 billion in the prior year. Individual Annuity net sales in 2009 were $10.3 billion, an increase from $2.1 billion in the prior year.
? Full Service Retirement gross deposits and sales were $23.2 billion and net additions were $8.8 billion in 2009, an increase from gross deposits and sales of $18.9 billion and net additions of $3.9 billion in the prior year.
? We also continued to have positive net flows in our asset management business, as well as solid sales in our domestic and international insurance businesses, in 2009.
? For 2009, our International Insurance segment had a record level of adjusted operating income.
? As of December 31, 2009, Prudential Financial, the parent holding company, had cash and short-term investments of $3.830 billion.
On November 10, 2009, Prudential Financial declared an annual dividend for 2009 of $0.70 per share of Common Stock, reflecting an increase of approximately 21% from the 2008 Common Stock dividend.
Management expects that the recovery of the economy and global markets will remain challenging in 2010 but that results will reflect the quality of our individual businesses and their prospects, as well as our overall business mix. In 2010, we continue to focus on long-term strategic positioning and growth opportunities, including the following:
? U.S. Retirement and Investment Management Market. We look to capitalize on the growing need of baby boomers for products that provide guaranteed income for longer retirement periods. In addition, we continue to focus on our clients' increasing needs for retirement income security given the recent volatility in the financial markets. We also look to provide products that respond to the needs of plan sponsors to manage risk and stretch their benefit dollars.
Table of Contents
? U.S. Insurance Market. We continue to focus on writing high-quality business and expect to continue to benefit from expansion of our distribution channels and deepening our relationships with third-party distributors. We also look to capitalize on opportunities for additional optional life purchases in the group insurance market, as institutional clients are focused on stretching their benefit dollars.
? International Markets. We continue to concentrate on deepening our presence in the markets in which we currently operate, such as Japan, and expanding our distribution channels. We look to capitalize on opportunities arising in international markets as changing demographics and public policy have resulted in a growing demand for retirement income products similar to those offered in the U.S.

POST by Bijay Thapa.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Health Insurance

Health Insurance

Top 10 ways to cut your medical Bills.

with health-care costs on the rise, you may be looking for ways to lower your medical expenses there are 10 Ideas

1. Practise Prevention
2. Shop around for Health Insurance
3. Cut the cost of prescription drugs
4.check your medical Bills.
5. Join your spouse's health plan
6. Keep track of your medical expenses
7. Negotiate a discount with your health care provider.
8. Contribute to a flexible spending account.
9. Take advantage of free helath screenings.
10. Get to know your health Insurance

Practise Prevention

As basis as it sounds, one of the most effective ways to lower your medical expenses over time is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. for example, you can;

# take advantage of wellness programs

# Manitain a healthy weight

#Exercise regularly

# kick unhealthy habits (e.g. smoking)

# Have regular Checkups.

POST by Bijay Thapa.

Investors Trust upon AIG

Investors Trust upon AIG

American International Group’s chief executive said the insurer would make a full recovery from its near-death experience, declaring the turnround was well under way even as the company posted a quarterly net loss of $8.9bn.
AIG is on its “way to regaining our stature as one of the world’s largest and most successful property-casualty insurance operations,” Robert Benmosche, the company’s chief executive said on Friday in a message to shareholders.

In depth: Global financial crisis - Sep-04
AIG drops derivatives portfolio sale plan - Feb-18
Geithner attacks level of bonuses at AIG - Feb-03
In depth: Obama and Wall Street - Feb-03
Analysis: AIG – The hindered haircut - Jan-26
AIG staff agree to bonus cuts - Feb-03
Some investors remained sceptical. AIG’s shares dropped 9 per cent to $25.09 in New York trading following the quarterly report. The stock is off 16 per cent since the start of the year.
“AIG’s core insurance units remain weak, and a high degree of execution risk remains in AIG’s turnaround strategy,” Catherine Seifert, an analyst with Standard & Poor’s, wrote on Friday.
The net loss, equivalent to $65.51 a share, narrowed sharply from a year earlier, when AIG lost $61.7bn, or $459.99 per share, a record shortfall for a US company. AIG’s operating loss narrowed to $7.4bn from $31.8bn.
The fourth quarter figures were depressed by an after-tax charge of $3.4bn to account for prepaying some of its government debt, which had reduced its remaining credit facility and prompted the amortisation of related assets.
The results were hit by Chartis, an insurance unit falling into a loss of $1.75bn after it set aside $2.3bn in additional reserves.
AIG’s collapse during the financial crisis led to an $85bn government bail-out and left investors sceptical it could sell enough assets to repay the debt.
Since then a number of moves, including the anticipated sale of its Alico division and the planned listing of an Asian unit, have helped foster some confidence in the turnround, though doubts remain.
The company continued to wind down exposures at its financial products business, whose credit derivatives brought AIG to the brink of insolvency.
The financial services division reported a $92m quarterly profit.
AIG also opted not to use its insurance cash flows to repay $8.5bn in debt to the New York Fed.
“We think the combination of strategic asset sales and reviving businesses will generate sufficient funds to repay the taxpayer, mooting the need to pursue the previously contemplated life insurance securitisation,” AIG said.
Its domestic life insurance unit earned $1bn, while its foreign life business reported a $1.1bn profit.
The company remains in talks to sell its Alico division to MetLife for $15bn. Earlier this month it chose Goldman Sachs and six other banks as bookrunners for the initial public offering of AIA.

POST by bijay Thapa.

About LNG


Lincoln Financial Advisors announced today that Sean Powell has been named Managing Principal of the Southern Virginia Regional Planning Office, which is located in Virginia Beach, VA.

Powell will be responsible for recruiting, coaching and developing Lincoln-affiliated financial planners throughout the southern Virginia region, including Virginia Beach and Richmond. Powell, a 12-year industry veteran who joined Lincoln Financial in 2004, previously served as Regional 401(k) Sales Director-Employer Markets for Lincoln Financial Distributors.
"Since coming to Lincoln Financial, Sean has consistently displayed an aptitude for identifying and cultivating high quality producers, driving sales and building relationships," said Mike McFeeley, Managing Director of the Atlantic Regional Planning Group for Lincoln Financial Advisors.
Prior to joining Lincoln Financial, Powell served in a number of sales and training positions at firms in Philadelphia, New York and New Jersey.

About Lincoln Financial Network
Lincoln Financial Network is the marketing name for the retail sales and financial planning affiliates of Lincoln Financial Group and includes Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp. and Lincoln Financial Securities Corp., both members of FINRA and SIPC. Consisting of more than 7,600 representatives, career agents, and full-service financial planners throughout the United States, Lincoln Financial Network professionals can offer financial planning and advisory services, retirement services, life products, annuities, investments, and trust services to affluent individuals, business owners, and families.

About Lincoln Financial Group
Lincoln Financial Group is the marketing name for Lincoln National Corporation (NYSE:LNC - News) and its affiliates. With headquarters in the Philadelphia region, the companies of Lincoln Financial Group had assets under management of $141 billion as of December 31, 2009. Through its affiliated companies, Lincoln Financial Group offers: annuities; life, group life and disability insurance; 401(k) and 403(b) plans; savings plans; and comprehensive financial planning and advisory services.

Crisis in American Insurance

Crisis in American Insurance Company
American International Group may be on the road to recovery 17 months after the company received a US$ 182.3 Billion bailout from the American government at the peak of the global financial crisis of 2008/2009.
AIG, whose failure threatened to collapse the USA’s economy, has improved its means to repay the bailout which it received through increased sales in the company’s property-casualty business. Property-Casualty contributed to a third of AIG’s revenue in the three quarters following the opening shots of the great recession. In conjunction with rising Life and Retirement product sales, the mainstay of AIG’s offerings, in the third quarter of 2009 the company looks well placed to pull out of what many industry analysts are referring to as a “death spiral”.
Managing Director of Nomura Securities International, David Havens, said “There are clear signs that AIG has pulled out of what could have been a death spiral.” Nomura Securities was a key player during the Global Financial Crisis, taking over the European and Asian business of defunct banking giant Lehman Brothers.
Industry observers are forecasting a positive outlook for AIG, and point to recently released third quarter results that see the company moving more in line with industry averages, rather than continuing poor performance. During the fourth quarter of 2008, the first full reporting period after they received their bailout, AIG posted Property-Casualty premiums sales of US$ 7.1 billion. This figure has risen during 2009 with the property-casualty arm posting sales of US$ 7.7 billion in the first quarter, US$ 7.9 billion in the second quarter, and US$ 8.1 billion in the third.
Life insurance however, may be slower to recover. During the fourth quarter of 2008, AIG posted Life insurance revenues of US$ 15.2 billion. The first quarter of 2009 saw British clients abandon the firm due to a perceived lack of confidence, and consequently saw Life insurance sales drop to US$ 14.5 billion. The life insurance arm of AIG continued to struggle in the second quarter of 2009 with sales down to US$ 13 billion, but a recent reversal of the downward trend, and an increase in Life insurance sales, up to US$13.7 billion in the third quarter, means that stability may be returning to this beleaguered company.
In other AIG news, AIG Star Life Insurance Co. Ltd, a life insurance subsidiary located in Japan, has formed a partnership with Orix Corp. to sell annuity products. Aiming to enhance AIG Star’s customer base, the two companies will pursue a venture which will see them jointly marketing annuity products to Orix Corp’s existing clients.
AIG to sell American Insurance Company
American International Group Inc. has confirmed on Tuesday that it is in talks with MetLife Inc. to sell the groups’ life insurance unit, the American Life Insurance Company. Rumors surfaced last month with regards to a potential MetLife deal for the AIG unit, and market analysts speculated that such a move would be incredibly beneficial to MetLife as the American Life Insurance Company has an extensive international health and life insurance business operating in more than 50 countries around the world.
Despite the discussions around the American Life Insurance Company, AIG has stipulated that it will not consider the sale of two Japanese life insurance companies which it took off the market in 2009. Star Life Insurance Co. and AIG Edison Life Insurance Co. were up for sale following the turning of AIG’s fortunes in 2008 at the peak of the global financial crisis, but had been removed from the market by the fourth quarter of 2009.
With a number of global insurance providers supposedly in position to increase their international reach through acquisitions, some analysts have speculated that AIG may be willing to play in a competitive market. However, AIG spokesman Mark Herr stated of both Star Life and AIG Edison that “they are good businesses and we are pleased to have them in the AIG family.”
The move for MetLife to buy the AIG unit may have its roots in the sharp loss of profits experienced by MetLife in the fourth quarter of 2009. MetLife has stated that the company’s profit dropped by approximately 70% as it paid out more benefits and claims.
POST by Bijay Thapa.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Protecting Economic loss in Life & Nonlife. Give Your Child A Bright Future

Save Your Vehicles

Brief Profile-2 (life & non Life)
Be Happy Like This With Insurance
NB Insurance Company Limited
Head office address: P.O. Box: 21746, Lal Durbar

The prominent Bankers, enterpreneurs and leading industrialists- NB group, Nepal Credit and commerce Bank Ltd, Nepal Bangladesh Bank, Nepal Sri lanka Merchant Bank and vast experienced persons in life Insurance industry for more than 3 decades, have jointly promoted NB INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED.
Objectives: The main objective of the company is to provide wide range of financial security due ro physical loss of the property caused by insured perils and the best and new area of insurance services required to the clients.

1) Reinsurance Agreement:

The company has arranged automatic reinsurance treaties with the companies of the first class securities. They are:
1) General Insurance Corporation of India
2) African Reinsurance Corporation
3) Kenya Re, Bimeh Iran

2) Management Team:

The company is professionaly managed by a team of highly experienced, trained, dedicated, staff and also represent the board of directors whom the company has been fortunate enough to obtain within the country itself.

3) We Provide Following Insurance Policies:

+ Motor Insurance +Fire Insurance +Marine Cargo Insurance + Engineering Insurance + Aviation Insurance
+ Miscellaneous Insurance

- Personal Accident Insurance - Group personal Accident Insurance - Medical Hospitalization Insurance - Overseas travel & Medical Insurance
- Burglary & Housebreaking Insurance - Cash in Transit/Safe/ Vault Insurance - fidelity guarantee Insurance - Plate glass Insurance - Professional Insurance
- Public Liability - Medical Estabilishment Insurance - Bankers Indemnity Insurance - All Risks Insurance - Poultry Insurance - Student Safety Insurance

Prime Life Insurance Company Ltd.
Head office: P.O.Box:25979, Hattisar, Kathmandu


Prime Life Insurance Company was initiated by Khetan Group and was incorporated as a public limited company in june 2007. The company commenced its operation from 4th june 2008. The share holding constitutes of the promoters holding 70 percent and 30 percent is to be offered to general public. The promoters represent Nepal's leading and highly prominent business groups having widely diversified business interest and expertise. Laxmi bank Limited, one of the leading commercial bank of Nepal , is one of the major promoters with 15 percent stake. We have recently offered equity shares to the public.
At prime we believe in innovation, superior customer services, transparency, and good geverence. Customer delight is our guiding principle and delivering Life Insurance products to meet the requrements of all segments of our customers base supported by the best technology is our business philosophy.


Our Mission is to provide complete range of Life Insurance products bundled with innovation and superior customer services in order to acieve excellent business growth and provide superior value to all our stakeholders.

We envision becoming:
Providet of most innovative life insurance products, excellent services and strong financial security to our customers The preferred employer in the life Insurance Sector.
We expect to achieve our overall vision and become one of the leading life insurance in Nepal over a period of time through a professional management team, dynamic and progressive work Culture, good generence, innovative products and focus on customer services.

We have, at present, offered the following life Insurance products to our valued customers:
Endowment Insurance Plan: Prime Saral Jeevan Insurance Plan
Money Back Insurance Plan: Prime Dhan Sagar Insurance Plan(15 yrs & 20 Yrs)
Children Insurance Plan Prime Swarnim Insurance Plan
Expartiate Insurance Plan Prime Karmashil Insurance Plan

We expect to offer the following Products in the near future:
# Mortgage Redemtion Plan # Endowment with whole life cover
# Group term Insurance # Endowment With Guranteed Additions
# Micro Insurance Products.
Brief Profile-2(life & non Life)

NB Insurance Company Limited
Head office address: P.O. Box: 21746, Lal Durbar

The prominent Bankers, enterpreneurs and leading industrialists- NB group, Nepal Credit and commerce Bank Ltd, Nepal Bangladesh Bank, Nepal Sri lanka Merchant Bank and vast experienced persons in life Insurance industry for more than 3 decades, have jointly promoted NB INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED.
Objectives: The main objective of the company is to provide wide range of financial security due ro physical loss of the property caused by insured perils and the best and new area of insurance services required to the clients.

1) Reinsurance Agreement:

The company has arranged automatic reinsurance treaties with the companies of the first class securities. They are:
1) General Insurance Corporation of India
2) African Reinsurance Corporation
3) Kenya Re, Bimeh Iran

2) Management Team:

The company is professionaly managed by a team of highly experienced, trained, dedicated, staff and also represent the board of directors whom the company has been fortunate enough to obtain within the country itself.

3) We Provide Following Insurance Policies:

+ Motor Insurance +Fire Insurance +Marine Cargo Insurance + Engineering Insurance + Aviation Insurance
+ Miscellaneous Insurance

- Personal Accident Insurance - Group personal Accident Insurance - Medical Hospitalization Insurance - Overseas travel & Medical Insurance
- Burglary & Housebreaking Insurance - Cash in Transit/Safe/ Vault Insurance - fidelity guarantee Insurance - Plate glass Insurance - Professional Insurance
- Public Liability - Medical Estabilishment Insurance - Bankers Indemnity Insurance - All Risks Insurance - Poultry Insurance - Student Safety Insurance

Prime Life Insurance Company Ltd.
Head office: P.O.Box:25979, Hattisar, Kathmandu


Prime Life Insurance Company was initiated by Khetan Group and was incorporated as a public limited company in june 2007. The company commenced its operation from 4th june 2008. The share holding constitutes of the promoters holding 70 percent and 30 percent is to be offered to general public. The promoters represent Nepal's leading and highly prominent business groups having widely diversified business interest and expertise. Laxmi bank Limited, one of the leading commercial bank of Nepal , is one of the major promoters with 15 percent stake. We have recently offered equity shares to the public.
At prime we believe in innovation, superior customer services, transparency, and good geverence. Customer delight is our guiding principle and delivering Life Insurance products to meet the requrements of all segments of our customers base supported by the best technology is our business philosophy.


Our Mission is to provide complete range of Life Insurance products bundled with innovation and superior customer services in order to acieve excellent business growth and provide superior value to all our stakeholders.

We envision becoming:
Providet of most innovative life insurance products, excellent services and strong financial security to our customers The preferred employer in the life Insurance Sector.
We expect to achieve our overall vision and become one of the leading life insurance in Nepal over a period of time through a professional management team, dynamic and progressive work Culture, good generence, innovative products and focus on customer services.

We have, at present, offered the following life Insurance products to our valued customers:
Endowment Insurance Plan: Prime Saral Jeevan Insurance Plan
Money Back Insurance Plan: Prime Dhan Sagar Insurance Plan(15 yrs & 20 Yrs)
Children Insurance Plan Prime Swarnim Insurance Plan
Expartiate Insurance Plan Prime Karmashil Insurance Plan

We expect to offer the following Products in the near future:
# Mortgage Redemtion Plan # Endowment with whole life cover
# Group term Insurance # Endowment With Guranteed Additions
# Micro Insurance Products.
Insurance is The Subject Matter of Protcting Unexpected Loss of Life, wealth and Properties.
Best Safeguard of Your Bikes-Insurance

Brief Profile-1

Alliance Insurance Company Limited
Head Office Addresses: p.o. box:10811, Durbar Marg (Tel: 4222836, 4253166, Fax: 4241411)
Protect Your Vehicles With Insurance

We are pleased to introduce ourselves as one

of the leading Non-life Insurance Companies founded in incorporated as Public Limited Company under Nepal Company Act, 2021(1964) with authorized capital of Rs. 15,00,00,000.00 and would inform you that M/s Beema Samiti (Insurance Board) has permitted us to underwrite all classes of Non-life Insurance Including Aviation Insurance Under Insurance Act 1992.

We would like to inform that we have established a close connection with Liod’s Brokers amongst Top Ten and other reinsurance brokers in London, sigapore, and India for placement of our reinsurance in International Insurance Markets. Besides, this company has entered into Reinsurance Treaties for automatic reinsurance placement with the following reinsurers:
a) J.B. Boda & Co.(UK) Ltd. b) Trust Re, Bahrain
c) General Corporation of India
d) Korean Re e) African Re

This company is promoted by the leading Industrial businessmen, financial institutions viz. Karmachari Sanchaya Kosh (Employee provident Fund) who alone owns 15% of the total share , and the team of personalities having experience in Insurance Industry more than 2 years who have undertaken all technical management. We are, therefore, confident that the policies are issued correctly and in time and the claims are expeditiously settled.
1 Aviation Insurance 2. vehicle Insurance
3.Fire Insurance and Allied Insurance 4. Loss of profit (Fire)Insurance.
5 Burglary & Housekeeing Insurance 6. Cash-In-Transit Insurance
7. Personal Accident Insurance 8. Medical Insurance
9. Electric Equipment Insurance 10 Marine cargi Insurance Policy
11. Public Liability Insurance 12 Workmen Compens. Insurance
13. Professional Liability Insurance 14 Engineering (CAR, CMP, EAR)
15 Travel Insurance

Meanwhile, we would also inform you that we have office in Birgunj, Narayanghat, Biratnagar, Butwal, Nepalgunj, Hetauda, Banepa, Pokhara, and manbhawan for helping our clients in their Insurance Needs.

Lumbini General Insurance Company Limited

A.) Profile of Lumbini Gen. Ins. Comp. ltd
Head office: Adress: P.O. Box 23100, Thamel, Kathmandu, Tel: 4411707, Fax: 977-1-4411692

Prominent Bankers, entrepreneurs, top dealers of automobiles and other products, tourism specialist, industrialists, finance companies and vast experienced persons in the insurance industry for more than three decades, have jointly promoted Lumbini General Insurance Company Limited (LGIC)
This company has an authorized Capital of Rs. 250 million and issued paid up capital of Rs. 125 million, Incorporated under Company act, 2006 and permitted to write business of all classes of general Insurance by Insurance Board Under Insurance Act. 1992 of the Issued/ paid up capital of Rs 125 million, 80% by promoters and 20% by general public has been fully paid

This company has arranged reinsurance treaties for automatic distribution of risks accepted by the company, with the Reinsurance of the best securities.

They are:

1) General Corporation of India
2) African Reinsurance Corporation, Mauritius
3) Milli Reassurance, T.A.S. Turkey
4) F.A.I.R. Non-Life Reinsurance Pool, Turkey
5) B.E.S.T. Reinsurance, Labuan Branch Malaysia
6) Trust International, Bahrain
7) Sirius International Insurance Corp., UK Branch, London.
(B) Board of Directors

Chairman : Mr Himalaya SJB Rana

Directors : (1) Mr suraj Vaidya 2) Mr. Chintamani Bhattarai
(3) Mr Durga bdr shrestha 4) Mr. Mingma Dorji Sherpa
(5) Mr. Manohar Das mool (6) Mr. Shankar Ghimire
(7) Mr. Suresh Prajapati (8) Mr. Pratap Kumar Acharya

(C) Management Team

General Manager : Mr R.B. Daha Manager Mkt. : Mr. B.K. shrestha
Dy. G. M.: Mr. Prakash M. Tuladhar Manager Mkt : Mr. Kumar Bdr Khatri
Sr. Man. Fin/ Adm: Mr Bijaendra M Joshi Dy. Man. Mkt. : Mr Anila Aryal
Manager U/W : Mr. Krishna p Dawadi Co. Secretary : Mr Dev. Koirala
Manager Claims : Mr Karuna Manandhar

(d) We provide following Insurance Policies

- Fire Insurance - Marine Cargo Insurance - Motor Insurance
- Engineering Insurance - Electronic Equipment – Machinery loss of Profit
- Deterioration of stock - Avaiation of Insurance – Hull Deductible
- Miccellaneous Insurance .

POST by Bijay Thapa.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Insurance, legal contract that protects people from the financial costs that result from loss of life, loss of health, lawsuits , property damage. Insurance provides a means for individual and socities to cope with some of the risks faced in everybody life. Prople purchase contracts of Insurance, called policies, from a variety of insurance organizations.

Almost everyone living in modern, Industralized countries buys insurance. For instance, laws in most states require people who own a car to buy insurance before driving it on public roads. Lenders require anyone who finances the purchase of a home or car with borrowed money to insure that property. Business partners take out life insurance on each other to make sure the business will succeed even if one of the partners dies.

Insurance benefits sociey by allowing individuals to share the risks faced by many people. But it also serves many other important economic and social functions. Because Insurance is available and affordable, banks can make loans with the assurance that the loan's collateral is covered against damage. This incresed avaibality of credit helps people buy homes and cars. Insurance also provides the capital that communities need to quickly rebuild and recover economically from natural disasters, such as tornadoes or hurricanes.

Insurance itself has become a significant economic force in most industrialized countries. Employees buy insurance to cover their employees against work related injuries and health problems. Businesses also insure their property, Includint technology used in production, against damage and theft. Because it makes business operations safer, insurance encourages businesses to make economic transactions, which benefit the economies of countries.

Insurance companies peform a type of monetary redistribution- they collect premiums and eventually redistribute that money as payments. Depending on the type of Insurance , redistribution can take anywhere from a few months to many decades. Because of this delay between collecting and paying our funds, insurance companies invest their fund to bring in extra revenues. Such investment help businesses and government finance their operations, and profits from those investment support the operations of insurance companies. With these investment earnings, Insurance companies can keep rates much lower than would otherwise be possible.

Not all effects of Insurance are positive ones. The possibility of earning insurance payments motivates some people to attempt to cause damage or losses. Without the possibility of collecting insurance benefits, for instance, no one would think of arson, the willful destruction of property by fife, as a potential source of mone.


Most Insurance falls into four main categories, according to what it covers :

1) Property and casuality
2) Life
3) Health
4) Old-age and employment

Insurers commonly refer to insurance purchased by individuals as personal lines coverage and to Insurance purchased by businesses as commercial coverage.

POST by Bijay Thapa.

LIC(Nepal) ltd Introduces New Plan (Amulya Jeevan)

LIC(Nepal) ltd Introduces New Term Insurance Plan, “Amulya Jeevan”. This is a Regular Premium Paying Term Assurance Plan. This Plan provides for a pre-decided Sum-Assured on death during Premium-Paying-Term.
Death Benefit: In case of unfortunate death of the Life Assured during the term of the policy, Sum Assured is payable, provided the policy is kept in force.
Maturity Benefit: Nil.

Premiums may be paid Yearly and Half-yearly. Monthly premium under Salary Savings Scheme will be allowed under C.E.I.S Scheme only.
The table enclosed as per Annexure (A) provide tabular premiums for various age-term combinations for Rs. 1000/- Sum Assured.

Mode Rebate

Yearly 3.0 %
Half-Yearly 1.5 %
C.E.I.S 5 %

Minimum age at entry - 16 Year (Completed)Maximum age at entry - 60 years (nearest birthday) *Maximum age at maturity - 70 yearsPolicy term - 10 to 44 yearsMinimum Sum Assured - Rs.100,000/-Maximum Sum Assured - Rs 2,500,000/- **(Sum Assured shall be in multiples of Rs.25000/-)
* Ages should be calculated as Nearest Birthday.
** Subject to underwriting in Special Cases, Sum Assured up to Rs 10,000,000/- can be given.
GRACE PERIOD: A grace period of 15 days will be allowed for payment of yearly or half-yearly premiums.

The policy shall not acquire any paid-up value.

If the Policy has lapsed, it may be revived during the life time of the Life Assured, but within a period of 5 years from the date of first unpaid premium and before the date of maturity, on submission of proof of continued insurability to the satisfaction of the Corporation and the payment of all the arrears of premium together with interest at such rate as may be fixed by the Corporation from time to time compounding half-yearly.
SURRENDER VALUE: No Surrender Value will be available under this plan.

LOAN: No loan will be available under this plan.

Suicide: This policy shall be void if the Life Assured commits suicide (whether sane or insane at that time) at any time on or after the date on which the risk under the policy has commenced but before the expiry of two years from the date of the policy.
POST By Bijay Thapa.